Taking a test at home? Please email scores@swelleducation.com for instructions on which test to take.

If you are a current Swell student, we’ll check our records and send a test that is new to you. If you are a prospective Swell student, we’ll send you a diagnostic SAT or ACT or both, then follow up with detailed score reports.

ACT students: please download and print our bubble sheet below and keep strict time according to the directions linked below. We recommend you also listen to the appropriate proctoring audio file while testing—the proctor on the recording will read the testing instructions and keep the time.

When complete, send a copy of your bubble sheet (and essay if desired) to scores@swelleducation.com. Make sure to write down the test code and include the QR code and entire black border of each page of the bubble sheet.

ACT bubble sheet

ACT instructions for students with standard time

ACT instructions for students with accommodations for 1.5 time

ACT audio file for proctoring for students with standard time

ACT audio file for proctoring for students with accommodations for 1.5 time

SSAT bubble sheet

SSAT audio file for proctoring for students with standard time

SSAT audio file for proctoring for students with accommodations for 1.5 time